Randy Roach, Author at Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors

My new podcast

I’m excited to announce that I partnered up with my friend, Tamas Acs for a regular podcast titled The World Of Muscle where we discuss anything and everything that has to do with Muscle. Check it out on iTunes or on its own website: http://www.theworldofmuscle.com/

A Magnificent Grip on Pulldowns!

With over 40 years of interaction within the bodybuilding and exercise industry, I had for some time come to believe that there really wasn’t anything all that new and exciting in the realm of resistance strength training. Many gizmos, most of little use, had come and gone over the decades. The tried and true muscle […]

Get A Grip

Looking back well over a hundred years at the emergence and growth of the fitness industry it is amazing to see the breadth of equipment that has evolved into the crazy market we see today. There have actually been some very effective tools going right back to the dawning of the basic gymnastic apparatus, to […]

Trulyhuge.com Interviews Randy

November 11, 2013

Q: Muscle, Smoke and Mirrors – Volume Two – has been described as the most extensively researched text on bodybuilding history ever published. As with Volume One, it leaves no stone unturned in providing detailed back-stories on some of the most intriguing and, in many cases, controversial bodybuilding events to have occurred over the past […]

MUSCLE, SMOKE & MIRRORS VOL. II The Pumping Iron Years, Nautilus Emerges. By Randy Roach.

Review by David Gentle. www.musclessmokeandmirrors.com Printed in USA. ISBN 978-1-4670-3 84 l-6(sc) If you had bought and read Volume 1 of the above title by Randy Roach, then you would have no requirement from me to recommend the second volume of an intended trilogy. The premier volume with its encyclopaedic, highly researched, yet remaining highly readable account of the […]
